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Nose Surgery

Today, rhinoplasty or cosmetic nose surgery or nose job is undoubtedly one of the most common aesthetic surgeries performed around the world.

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that modifies the framework of your nose. This is achieved by altering the bone and cartilage framework of your nose and at times the skin and soft tissue components. This modification changes the overall appearance of your face. A nose that was non-pleasing and distracting is altered to more pleasing and harmonious proportions. The commonly performed alterations include – reducing an excessively large and bulky nose, correcting a deviated nose, enhancing the top (dorsum) of the nose, reducing the hump on the nose and altering the architecture of the tip of the nose.

Cosmetic nose surgery is a delicate balance of both science and art. The final appearance should be natural looking and should suit the face. It is an intricate and delicate surgery and should be undertaken only after a detailed discussion with a qualified cosmetic and plastic surgeon.

You must be prepared to communicate to your plastic surgeon about the aspects of your nose that you are unhappy with and the changes you desire. A good plastic surgeon will first hear your wishes and only then give you his suggestions (if any). A customised plan is formulated so that realistic goals may be achieved safely. In some cases, a CT Scan of the nasal region may be advised to assess the internal deviation and related changes. After detailed pre-surgery investigations, your surgery will be scheduled on a convenient date. Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions along with dos and donts before and after surgery.

I prefer to perform the surgery under general anaesthesia but in some cases it can reliably be performed under local anaesthesia. The surgery involves a small incision (cut) across the central partition between the nostrils and the remaining cut is along the insides of your nose. The skin is elevated and the internal framework is modified as per the formulated plan. Cartilage may be trimmed, folded or fortified as required. Excess soft tissue may be excised. Bone may be rasped (controlled shaving) or cut and moved as desired. The new architecture is secured with sutures.


In some cases, an ENT surgeon may also be involved to correct the deviated septum and to rectify any sinus related problems. Please discuss this in detail with your plastic surgeon.

If the septum is corrected, your nostrils will be packed after surgery for 24 hours. A supportive splint is applied to your nose to hold the structures in their new position during healing process. This splint will be reatined for 10-14 days. The skin stitches are removed by 5-7 days after surgery.

A lot many Indian noses, need enhancing the dorsum of the nose as the bony portion is underdeveloped. Presently, there are two viable options for achieving this – Implants (silicone or poly-ethylene) and your own cartilage. Most nose surgeons around the world today prefer autogenous (your own) tissue over exogenous material (implant). However, a correctly placed implant can be safely used in select cases with fantastic results.

As with all cosmetic surgeries, nose jobs need some time for recovery process. The evident swelling and bruising (if any) will be gone by 2 weeks and your new nose will be presentable by 2-4 weeks.



September 20, 2017 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Cosmetic Surgeon vs “quacks”

In a competitive, fast paced and exciting new world an engaging, attractive appearance plays an important role in the overall wellbeing as well on the path of achievement. Cosmetic surgery can give an individual the edge in both personal and professional aspects of their life. The change in appearance desired may be subtle or dramatic. However it is important to have realistic expectations from aesthetic surgery procedures such that the final result makes one happy and satisfied.

The most important factor for a happy outcome is to get a correct appraisal done from a qualified surgeon. The procedure should not be treated casually because at the end of the day it is a surgery and nobody except a qualified plastic surgeon should be doing it in a proper medical environment.

However, it has become a common sight that unqualified doctors (by “unqualified” I mean doctors who are not trained plastic surgeons) and non-doctors flashing themselves as the most busy and famous cosmetic surgeons. It is imperative that patients confirm the credentials of their cosmetic surgeon before entrusting their body over to anyone. In this context, I believe the onus is on patients to do their homework thoroughly before zeroing on a cosmetic surgeon. Unfortunately, I come across a lot many patients whose cosmetic surgeries have been badly botched up by unqualified pesonnel. These “cosmetic surgeons” are such smooth operators that they get away by simply blaming the procedure itself whereas the error is clearly on the self-proclaimed “cosmetic surgeon”. So please look before you leap as these unscruplous fellows are nothing short of quacks!

September 14, 2017 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Everything you wanted to know about Cosmetic Surgery

Most people would agree that what one is inside is more important than whats outside. But increasingly, one experiences that the outside is important too – it can have a direct impact on how one feels about oneself.

The real story behind todays cosmetic surgery is not about self-indulgent, vain folks but about ordinary people with problems. Not simply, problems with the way they look or with their appearances but with the way it makes them feel.

Cosmetic surgery is about procedures that not only make you look better but feel better as well. They lead to increased self-confidence and self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery is about making a change – a BIG change on the inside.

June 21, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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June 21, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment